The Microscope.

“Best Horror”


“A polished and artistically crafted horror. This may make casual watchers run in fright.”

An eccentric microscopist finally gets his hands on some rare samples, but he could never have imagined what he’ll see through the lens.

This delightfully grotesque short horror from directors Elliot and Reuben Vick is especially disturbing in the best ways. It plays out like a silent film and is intriguing from the very beginning, taking its time to set the mood and tone. It’s a stand out horror you don’t often get the chance to see.

Johnny Vivash plays the sole character in the film and does exceedingly well to only have a microscope to play off. Vivash’ transition in the film is down right disturbing, making him the perfect choice for the film.

The visuals are outstanding and handled with real care, allowing for a polished and artistically crafted horror which is often overlooked in the genre. This shows a clear direction and understanding of filmmaking as opposed to simply getting shock value, its expertly made. The use of macro shots is done to great effect without overusing them. The cinematography is superb and its no wonder this film was selected at FilmQuest.

As for the music which is subtle and fairly understated, it was the perfect choice as it gives the film a classic and methodical underscore to what’s on-screen. It comes into its own during the more disturbing scenes where the music subtly continues against the shocking gore. It would be easy to give this film a more sinister and moody score but in this case, the classical piano is even more chilling.

The props used in the film was relatively minimal, however they work incredibly well. They will certainly get most of the audience goers wincing and covering their eyes, which after all is one of the best traits of a successful horror.

Brilliant cinematography mixed with a disturbing story and performance has made this a must watch horror which we can’t recommend enough, even for those that don’t enjoy the genre. Although this may make casual watchers run in fright…

— APEX Film Awards