Season 3
Best Drama
The Calling
Directed by Piotr Matyja
Best Animation
Time Flies
Directed by LJ Burnett
Best Documentary
Pliosaurus - The Discovery of a Monster
Directed by Ash Hall
Best Sci-Fi
Older Self
Directed by Tom Michaels
Best Thriller
Directed by Emily Ralph
Best Horror
Switch On
Directed by Esmond Levi Yao
Best Experimental
The Light Keeper
Directed by Tamas Levardi
Best Student Film
Directed by Blake Jett
Honourable Mentions
A collection of films that stand out from the others, showing a true understanding and passion for visual storytelling…
Ain't Nuff Time
Directed by Andy Twyman
Eternal Breeze
Directed by Anatoliy Gankevich
Directed by Vili Sakselin
Directed by Giovanni Guidelli
Ride The Line
Directed by Matthew Reese
Rise Up and Fight
Directed by Nolan Williams, Jr.
The Flip-Flow
Directed by Brad Condie
We're Not Really Here
Directed by Andy Twyman
Official Selections
A collection of inspiring and innovative films from filmmakers all over the world
that showcase both talent and creativity…
Directed by Mokotsi Rukundo
Becoming Beautiful
Directed by Bora "Max" Koknar
bé hồng (little persimmon)
Directed by Thy Vo, Ivan Gozali, Yusra Shahid, Florence Young, Noël Wiggins and Tracy Liu
Dear Someone Or Other
Directed by Calieb F Thresher
Directed by Jen Lim
Directed by Armin Alic
Drive My Kart
Directed by Oscar Lock
Directed by Hyunsub Kim
Forest of Illusions
Directed by Johan Cederholm
Happy Hour
Directed by Simon Fisher
Directed by Jii Zhang
Hearts of Men
Directed by Stefan Vino-Figueroa
Her Curse
Directed by Corey Totten
In This Moment
Directed by Andrew Fitzgerald
Directed by Putik Amirasari
Last Thursday
Directed by Cal Dalglish
Lingering Echoes of Time
Directed by Xinhui Chen
Long Play
Directed by Bernard Madill
Lunch Time
Directed by Vicky Gao
Memories Of Us
Directed by Thomas McQuillan
Directed by Julian Morales
Directed by Kieran Shayle
Negative Skies
Directed by Aidan Sherlock
Directed by Owen Saddington
Directed by Amber Shipsides
Running: Why Do People Do It?
Directed by Solomon Howard
Shelter For Geek
Directed by Jiayi Zhang
Sticks and Stones
Directed by Andrew Bourne
Directed by Rafael de Andrade
The Green Knight
Directed by Oliver Hollingdale
The Outdoor Retreat
Directed by Kelly Stephanie Bergsma
The Return Path
Directed by Shayan Rahmati
The Way
Directed by OKAN BATUR
Thirst for Love
Directed by Aidan Connolly
Two Tickets
Directed by Mazen Haj Kassem
When I'm Famous
Directed by Jon King
Directed by Will Jewell
You’re Still Who You Were
Directed by James Willett