“A compelling and thought provoking film. It’s an excellent take on a unique story that Sci-Fi fans will particularly enjoy..”
A young physicist lives out his life in search of his greatest scientific discovery and finds one extraordinary truth.
Director & Writer Richard Lounello brings us a compelling and thought provoking film with a lot to digest. It’s an excellent take on a unique story that Sci-Fi fans will particularly enjoy. It’s been well produced and the script offers a lot of material for the filmmakers to work with.
The film gets off to a good start by introducing us to the main characters of Jake and Lisa played by Leighton Samuels and Tricia Alexandro. It’s a familiar and intimate relationship between two newlyweds that seems perfectly normal. However the subtle LifeQuest hints weaved within the film allows the audience to know something’s not quite right. There is great attention to detail with the smaller aspects of the film that may otherwise go noticed, making this a great second watch.
What’s especially well done is the editing of the film from Tony Grocki as it jumps between time periods without feeling out of place or jarring. It adds a great sense of depth to the story that helps us connect with Jake the older he gets. Whilst some of the dialogue is somewhat unnatural with too much exposition, it does balance out by the end of the film as we discover what LifeQuest is. In some moments, actions would have proved more effective than unnecessary narrative. However the cast do well with the script and were chosen well.
The underlying theme of whether or not God exists is intriguing and creates a good contrast between Jake and other characters who all seem to be pushing that theory. This again is a subtle hint at what’s really going and it’s a nice touch in the writing to separate Jake. It’s open for interpretation and doesn’t focus on one theory more than the other, instead it may create good topics of discussion after watching the film.
The cinematography by Jim Powers is strong and he makes full use of the locations they have at their disposal to give this a big film aestheitc. The same can be said of the lighting which blends a natural and realistic style with a more Sci-Fi look in the ‘LifeQuest’ scenes. The score from Alexander Arntzen is dramatic and amplifies characters emotional trajectory. The team behind the film did a superb job!
Similar stories have been explored in Sci-Fi before but LifeQuest manages to set itself apart with a good cast and crew. It’s a worthwhile watch that will resonate with audiences…
— APEX Film Awards